Case Study
Download Our Sygnature Discovery Case Study
Sygnature Discovery expanded the scope and quality of their services through in-house high-throughput screening capabilities. By partnering with HighRes Biosolutions on automated solutions for this project, they can now easily adapt and readapt to the changing landscapes of customer need and scientific inquiry.
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Review Sygnature’s project requirements
Understand the unique strengths that industry partners leveraged to bring the automated solution to life
Explore the automated system and components
Ponder the lessons learned and overarching benefits of Sygnature’s automation journey in context of your needs and goals.
When we were starting to design this project, I liked the idea of the whole solution [coming from] industry-leading suppliers used by all big pharma and our competitors as well. I wanted an established solution for this project.

Denise Swift
M.Sc. Principal HTS Scientist, Sygnature Discovery