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Phase 1: Beginning and End
Journey from status quo lab workflows to the land of whole lab automation for opportunity and a competitive edge. Whole lab workflow automation experts like HighRes Biosolutions serve as your North Star and personal escort along the way.
Phase 2: Understand Your Situation, Your Goals and Your Team
Introspection and a first-class crew make short work of pre-journey planning. Gather and organize your thoughts, and the thoughts of others, as you assemble your goal guideposts.
Phase 3: Dive Deep into the World of Hardware
Hardware Harbor encompasses a large area. Learn helpful tips to traverse through seemingly endless devices and capabilities. Narrow capabilities and features to those best-suited for your budget as well as your current and future needs.
Phase 4: Immerse Yourself in the World of Software
The Port of Software is an amazing destination along your journey. Gain an overview of data flow and software types and how to orchestrate all through a single, high-functioning information virtuoso. Then determine which platforms stack up to meet your needs.
Phase 5: Finalize your Proposed Automated Solution Design
Did you chart the right course, or is a major correction in order? Before committing to a final whole lab workflow automation design, review the project overview and details from multiple perspectives.
Phase 6: Set the Project Build in Motion
It’s time to navigate from vision into reality. Get your teams and your site ready with close communication, detailed planning, and rigorous testing.
Phase 7: Deploy!
Your automation journey isn’t finished once the automated solution is in place. Prepare users and you new whole lab workflow automation system with knowledge transfer and system optimization. Put it to the ultimate battery of tests in your environment and with your samples and a host of quality and regulatory guidelines.